Join Our Team

Help us improve the lives of tomorrow's generation by joining our team!

STEM Builders Learning Hub has been a leader in the education technology industry since 2020. We have been successful because we have excellent teachers who love helping students meet their goals both at school and life. If you want to be part of this team and earn and extra income then apply today!

Become a STEM Builders Tutor

Easily find tutoring opportunities

Our online learning platform is a brilliant way for tutors to connect with students and eliminates the tedious process of looking for a steady source of clients and advertising in the local newspaper. We do all the marketing and advertising for you. 

All you have to do is complete the application process, and we will take care of the rest.

Get the tools and support you need

  • We will schedule and sync lessons based on your availability.
  • Provide fast, hassle-free payment by direct deposit into your bank account.
  • Provide the Zoom link for your classes and even send reminders to your students.
  • If you would prefer to have face-to-face sessions don’t worry we have the ideal location for in-person classes, complete with internet access, air conditioning, and a science lab.

How to apply?

Apply in 3 easy steps

1. Complete the application form

2. Submit required documents

3. Complete the verification process

Ambassador Sales Programme


  • Who is engaged in child development and STEAM education.
  • Who wants to share STEM Builders’ vision and mission with others at conferences or local training.
  • Who loves to recommend and wants to sell our STEM Activity Boxes.
  • Who has a network of educators, schools, libraries, and labs.
  • Who is capable of leading workshops and demonstrations for teachers.
  • Who has a good understanding of the local curriculum and can actively promote #stembuildersjm on social media.

Teach what you know



Transform your knowledge and teaching skills into an online course. This is as easy as it gets. All you have to do is complete the application process and STEM Builders will work with you to create, sell and manage your online course on our Learning Management platform. 

Interested in Learning More?

Send us your contact details and we’ll be in touch with more information about our programmes, new opportunities and news about STEM Builders.